Sunday, November 28, 2010

The New Addition in the Backyard

I never thought I would be so excited to have a little tree planted.
The Backyard of the office was completely barren when we moved here.
A Tree had taken on a whole new meaning.
I have always loved trees but took them for granted.
There was never a lack of them in any backyard before.
When the tree was planted, I felt the backyard was complete.

This is a new "Autumn Blaze" Freeman Maple Tree
that was planted this fall provided by Leaf .
It was surprisingly taller than I expected.
(I chose other shrubs and this tree which were a gift from my sister.)

If you had to choose only one Tree.......
It is a much bigger decision than you think.
This was my compromise to the Silver Maple.
Its full beauty isn't expressed until it is mature.
This is when the bark becomes textured with character.

This is a Silver Maple Tree taken on one of our walks.
Each Mature Silver Maple has its own majestic presence.
The leaves are slender and they have a silvery green shimmer
especially when they rustle in the wind.
The golden colour of the leaves in the autumn are lovely and light.

But, it takes over 30 years for this tree to look magnificent,
so I decided on something that would look pretty sooner.

Within minutes of the tree being planted
the sparrows landed in it for shelter.
We knew then, that we made the perfect choice.
This shot was taken through the screen from the office window.
Can you see my favourite bird in there?

The autumn leaves were yellow when it was planted.
I asked the Arbortrists Guys why the leaves were yellow?
I was told that the "Autumn Blaze" Freeman Maple had red leaves in the fall.
(of course I was worried they gave me the wrong variety of Freeman Maple)
They told me it was because the tree came from a nursery and they will turn red.
Above is evidence that they were true to their word.

I hope our tree looks something like this next fall.
This is a tree I snapped a photo of
on one of our walks before the leaves fell.

Here is a close up of one of the red leaves on our tree,
 leaving the evidence behind that birds are enjoying it immensely.

This is the tree yesterday
Until next spring.........

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