Friday, November 12, 2010

This is not from The Globe and Mail

This landed in the waiting room at another office yesterday, 
It is more like a tabloid, but...I decided to not entirely dismiss it.
So, I was glancing at the front page and saw this  article  titled 


Here is a quote from this article.

"Post an update status that you're moving this weekend, he said. And those who message you to help----they're your friends. The others, not so much."

I thought it was a good way of making the point.
I am sure it still won't stop most people 
from being obsessed with their facebook.

I guess if you want to hear more on the topic you can see the whole shtick in this video.

1 comment:

  1. A young man from Quebec won about $9 million USD in the World Series of Poker.
    I would be willing to bet *his* $9 million that a large percentage of his Facebook Friends would message him that they were willing to help him move on *any weekend*.
