Friday, May 24, 2013

He hit The Jack Pot

From not being able to catch a photo of one humming bird to capturing this beautiful shot of two tinkerbellas

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Pine Siskin At Our Niger Feeder on Saturday May 18 and Sunday May 19th 2013

The Man from The Office is Right! 
I think it is a female, but not 100% sure. 
Here is a link to more photos of male and female Pine Siskins.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Pretty Sure This is A Female Red-Winged Blackbird

Also Caught By The Man From The Office With The Higher Resolution Camera. He is getting pretty good with his New Toy. Look At The Detail Caught In this Bird. What  A Lovely Pattern She has.

Unexpected Visitors at The Feeders Today

Oh WOW, What is that Male Rose Breasted Grosbeak doing at The Oriole Feeder? Does he have a sweet tooth?

Now How Cool Is This! The Man From the Office caught the lovely Couple Feeding together on The Sunflower feeder.
Here is a closer look at the Male Rose-Breasted Grosbeak feeding above the female Rose-Breasted Grosbeak. This is amazing to see them so clearly together since we have so much trouble getting good shots of them by the ravine. They are not skittish here at all out in the open. I don't think Allan got much work done once he saw these surprise visitors at our feeders today. The camera man took some great shots with a great camera.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

I think I saw This Bird too Sunday May 5th in The Early Evening

I saw this bird way up high and could only see it's under belly and the distinct white tail feathers.
I know for certain it was not a Waxwing, because I could distinguish a striking contrast between the breast feathers and the darker upper part of the bird. I clearly saw that it did not have a tuft on its head.

Sunday May 5th Early Evening Sightings

Allan got pretty close to this "breath taking" Male Rose-Breasted Grosbeak. We heard it quack in the bushes. I could not tell where the sound was coming from.

This Bird was sitting way up high in the dead Tree. It is a Tree Swallow.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Is That Red Or What?

This is so beautiful and so clear considering this Cardinal was so far away in the upper branches of a dead tree. See the next post. The photos was taken by Allan

Yellow Breasted Chat in Toronto, Ontario?

This bird is about the same size as a cardinal. We saw it flying above us. It seemed to have a very deep yellow breast and chin. The wings looked very dark from a far. Looking at them with our binoculars, the breast was such a deep bright yellow. The upper body looked blue or black. The wing span seemed far reaching. We are still not certain if this was a yellow breasted chat. There were two of them. We saw what we thought were yellow breasted chats in May 2010. There seemed to be a group of them then, in the very same spot.These photos were taken by Allan with his newest camera. This bird was way far away in the top branch of a tall dead tree.