Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tunnel Vision

What is that?
Watch this short video to find out!


  1. Thank you for the wonderful editing job!
    It was so cool to see this!
    It happened to be there.
    when I turned on the new camera yesterday.
    What luck!!!!!
    It was really searching for food underground

  2. is that a black cat that came from beneath posing as a black squirrel... did ya catch the eye colour? my beautiful black cat HAD golden eyes...
    thank you, SP
    luv your NSP

  3. Did you know what it was when you started shooting the video?

  4. Oh you are no fun! Do I have to tell the truth?
    When I was trying the new red nikon camera, there happened to be a squirrel poking around the backyard in the heavy snowfall looking for food. I started taking some shots of him/her to try out the camera.
    I have some more video footage of it..and many more still photos. I saw it start to tunnel under the snow looking for food....since it couldn't get up the feeder pole because of the baffle. I luckily found the video setting on the camera quickly enough and decided to take some videos of it. I caught him trying to go up the pole too and tunnelling in the snow. The idea crossed my mind to start a video of him/her under the snow-and you only see the movement .and then you see him/her pop up from under.
    That was how this little short film idea was born. The Man from the Office helped with the editing.

  5. Why did you bury a live squirrel in your back yard?

  6. I know some people that really would like to do that "bury them alive". They call squirrels "RATS with BUSHY TAILS" that are HUGE ANNOYANCES that make trouble. That might be the case, but that bushy tail wins me over everytime.
