Monday, November 4, 2013

What Does Xp End Of Life Really Mean?

Well actually, if you are running Xp as your operating system, it means it might be the right time to move on to a new computer if you have not already done so.
This seriously affects you if  you access the Internet which most people do these days.
Your Xp computer won't be very protected
anymore from hackers and viruses.
It won't get those updates
to keep it functioning properly.
It has become an older operating system,
that can't keep up with the modern age.
Can you believe that?
Doesn't it seem just like yesterday that you started using Xp?
Well it has actually been around for almost 13 years.
WOW time has flown!
It has been a stable and well liked operating system
for businesses and personal users alike
There is talk that perhaps Microsoft might patch
serious Security flaws in Xp...
but no one really knows for sure
Here is a really good link that I found 
and it has lots of good info in it with more detail.

I enjoyed using Xp, but actually once I tried Windows 7, I was hooked.
It is so much softer visually and user friendly.
I don't care for the set up of Windows 8 with the touch screen capacity.
You might like it though if you like your touch screen smart phone.
(I still don't do texting or email on my phone. I don't want to be that accessible to anyone)

If you are worried that some of your
Xp compatible programs and hardware
might not work on a newer version of windows,
there might be solutions for you.
Now Allan from Proven Solutions can help you with this too.
He can run a special program for you
to determine if your software and hardware is compatible.

He can set up your new computer for you too.
There is actually lots to do if you want to do it right.
He can help you move (MIGRATE, TRANSFER) your stuff over
to your new Windows 7 or Windows 8
He can help you decide which operating system is best for you.
You can even ask him to buy it for you.
You just tell him what you want and what you need done, and he can do it for you.
He is really thorough and knows his business well.

Proven Solutions  is a Toronto Computer Service located in North York, Ontario.

We have a great view!

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