Monday, July 18, 2011

The prettiest LEAF around

 I had a blurry week. I have some wonderful shots of  nasturtium...but they are all blurry .
 don't know why this is happening to my photos this week.
It could be there was not enough light...
Here the best one for now.

I caught the Feathery Feel by accident

It could easily be a MONET...

Cosmos -my seeds sprouted

Friday, July 15, 2011

Is she confused?

Do you remember my solution to the Hawk Issue?
Well it is working!
There is Life Hidden in the Jungle under the Bird Feeder now.
What is that bird sitting under the bird feeder?

I never got close enough to a mourning dove
 to realize they have blue rings around their eyes.
I guess it suits them.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Take Your Passwords Seriously

Even a computer Security Expert was had. Read about it here.

They might have been laughing when they couldn't type in the 15 character Key the first time
because it was so complex,
but they sure won't get hacked so easily.
The President might seem overly cautious,
but he has been right all along.
You can never be too careful.

If you need help with making sure your data is safe.
You should contact: Proven Solutions Inc.