Tuesday, November 19, 2013

WOW. The Terminator is so Organized. He can show you the WAY !

Do you need help organizing yourself ?
I know I think more clearly when my space and brain are clutter free.

The Organizer uses a paper tickler filing system combined with a digital tickler filing system to organize himself.

The tickler system can be extremely helpful  for GTD (shorthand for "Getting Things Done" coined by David Allen).

The tickler system can help transform your overwhelming and overloaded workload to an integrated system that will promote productivity.

A tickler file system is a major organizational asset. It's purpose is to literally “tickle your memory” by making certain that each thing you need to do is filed by a specific date. It is often a superior organizational tool. The paper tickler system allows you to keep track of small pieces of paper, like business cards, or invoices, that could ordinarily get lost somewhere on your desk, on the floor or in your pockets. 

The paper tickler filing system  combined with Outlook is The Organizer's First Choice.

The Organizer can show you how to use OUTLOOK (or another program you may prefer)  to help you list everything you need to get done in your life (personal/business) in an organized fashion, prioritize your tasks, get notified when they are supposed to get done, and if they are no longer a priority that day, set them to another day that might work better for you.

(If you are having trouble wrapping your head around the paper tickler filing system, he can help you set that up and explain it to you "all so clearly", that it will be an AHA moment.)

I can tell you first hand, even if you are having an off day
and feeling lazy, The Organizer can still keep you on track,
and help you realize that certain things can really be put off to a later date.

The key really is..to not have to deal with stuff until you have to,
and to be reminded when that is without it all staring you in the face to overwhelm you.

There are so many tricks that The Organizer has mastered to help you GTD.

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