Saturday, February 5, 2011

My View of The day

Shot 1:
From far away this looks like your usual "Pigeons on a Wire" picture 
But, when you look more closely..something is a bit unusual.......

so getting a bit can see why below
 Isn't it pretty?
We are getting closer to finding the Toronto White Squirrel


  1. We have a white pigeon here. I think that they are mixes from those white ones they let loose at weddings and just breed with the wild ones! Just a theory.

  2. Toronto pigeons are the best.

    Haven't seen the Earl Bales white squirrel for two years now.

  3. I don't know what happened to my two comments so I will make them again. This pigeon reminded me of a cross of a dove and common pigeon and reminded me of the movie THE FLY. have you seen one just like this?
    Lorraine...did you really see a white squirrel at Earl Bales or are you pulling my leg? There is the White Squirrel cafe on Queen Street by CAMH that is named after them in the area, and they have been seen in HIGH PARK which we have still yet to get to......
