Sunday, February 26, 2012

All Four Feet Off The Ground

This photo was taken by a Friend of mine in Califormia.
What an absolutely stunning shot of her Gorgeous, Energetic, Happy Standard Poodle.
It reminds me of a little bit of trivia that The Terminator
told me a few months ago.
Please visit here to see what that might be.

Look at That Shot!

This shot makes you want to visit California
and see this for yourself.
How many miles do these perfect rows of trees go anyway?

Can't you tell I am NOT in the Mood?

                                                              Can't you see my teeth?

(Don't worry...these two guys are actually pals. They were both groomed yesterday, and this black poodle smelled so good that his little beige friend couldn't resist him.)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Jump For Joy!

No, these are not convulsions. We are playing.
She is jumping on the spot in excitement!

Monday, February 6, 2012

My View of The Day-Dirty Paws

As you can see by this picture,
the ground is not frozen like it should be for this time in Feb. in Toronto.
It was 8 degrees celcius today!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Backyard Happiness

Are you going to take my leash off now..... please?

Is it off yet?
Now this is the run free and play in the backyard.

There are some great new scents here! This is so exciting!

Okay, I will stay still for you so you can get a shot of how cute I am.
But really, it was because you said "Meow" that really got my curiosity.

(These photos would never have been possible.................
 without the help from  The Terminater of Proven Solutions Inc.)

Friday, February 3, 2012

Something does not look quite right in this photo.

These berries seem to belong to some kind of vine.
Would anyone know what that might be?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Peanut Butter Jar Kong

This is a trick, I have been using forever, starting with my dogs in the past.
(Always make sure the dog is NOT ALLERGIC to PEANUT BUTTER).
It started one day, when we were at the end of the peanut butter, and  my dog that only had food on her brain, was looking up at me yearningly,,. I threw her the peanut-butter jar.
She played with that for hours trying to get every last bit out. Of course this was almost impossible to do. So now, as a toy, I will take some peanut butter and smear it on the inside
of an old peanut butter jar for them to play with.
Some hold this jar so well, like a raccoon.
(photos  are complimentary by The Terminater of Proven Solutions Inc.)