Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Cedar Waxwing Tree

We decided to take a nice long walk this morning
 with the dogs that we are looking after this weekend
 because it was especially nice out for this time of year.

We were passing the corner house that has the two juniper trees that attract so many birds.
Two years ago we discovered a flock of cedar waxwings hanging around in these trees.
We were just talking about it, that it was around Dec 2  2010.........when,,,,,,,
we walked a little further.....
and we spoted these birds in this tree and they didn't sound like sparrows.
I happen to have my camera on me so we could zoom in a bit and snap photos to see
what they were when we got home.
They are a flock of Cedar Waxwings. They are back!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

No, It Is Not A Large Robin!

The Man From the Office caught This on Camera Today.
He was so excited to see it. He loves seeing Hawks.
He saw it land twice and he managed to have the camera ready.
He was so excited!
He took me for a drive once on a highway
just to show me them lined along the highway sitting in tall trees.
It was Cool, but I still like Blue Jays better.
and did not catch any birds or any little dogs.  
It is a Sharp-Shinned Hawk.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Our Very Own Sunflower Patch

This is a naturally occurring patch growing under the Bird feeders in the backyard.
Sunflower seeds have fallen to the ground and sprouted because of enough rainfall.
They have taken off and become beautiful flowers that are still going strong for this time of the year.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Blue Jay at Our Feeders

The Man From The Office caught these on Camera.
He did this especially for me because he knows that I love the Blue Jays.
I am not sure I am so crazy about their loud call, but their striking markings
are breath taking.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Quite By Accident.....

What is that behind the two dogs?

This is cropped out of the above photo.