Friday, September 30, 2011

The Hummingbirds have hung in there this year!

The Last Humming Bird seen at the feeder this year was Sept 25th 2011.
The last Humming bird seen at the feeder last year was Sept 15th 2010.
Is it due to Global warming? ..our warmer summers?

This year we saw a male on one day only.
The others were all females.
Some were chubby and stout and others were elegant with longer necks.
Some had clean white breasts  and others were dirty looking.
They all had different personalities in how they drank.
One female would keep turning her head to one side.
One would dart in to drink a little and then dart in again.
Some would sit and were very comfortable to to never lift their head
until they were done for that round.

Hummingbird photos are complimentary of The Terminator

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Survivor and The Retreater

This baby squirrel has the instinct to live.
It seemed stunned or hurt  when I found her/him on the ground, but once I offered
it some water and food, it came back to life.
How old do you think it is? The mom is no where to be found.
I think she left yesterday with two baby squirrels she rescued from the one way trap
and two were left behind
This is the SURVIVOR, the one who JUMPED!
This baby squirrel retreated. No is a long way down!
The way this trap is set up....I would not really call this humane removal.
This is the fifth day.